Tri Solve, LLC - Birmingham, Alabama

April 1, 2015 Facebook Feed 0

Online shopping can be an excellent resource for those looking to expand their purchasing options and save money, but when there is a temptation to splurge, there is always a price to be paid for that impulse purchase.

Online Shopping Guide: How to Get the Best Price Possible - Clark Howard

Let’s assume you want to purchase a large array of products at great prices. But how do you know what the best deals are? Can you use online shopping to find the best deals? This may sound like a paradox, but the answer is actually yes and no. You can use online shopping to find great deals, but it’s actually quite hard to find the best deals online because many products don’t have price promotions.

So how do you find the best deals online? You simply visit coupon websites like where you can find coupon codes for many different online retailers.

The best deals online is when the product is priced lower than its retail price. The best price is found when there is no promotion. The most important price you look for is the lowest price for the lowest quantity of the product. When I use the term “lowest price” I mean the lowest price you would pay a retailer in the same geographic location. That’s the lowest price the retailer could get if they sold all their inventory at the same price. If they were to sell the product at $1,000,000, but have it priced at $1,000, there is no way they could still make a profit (not in this economy anyway). They could sell 1,000,000 units at a price of $1,000, but make only a 2,000,000 profit ($1,000,000 x $10,000,000) which is a profit of $2,000,000 – or a 9% loss. And they still make a profit by selling 1,000,000 units at a price of $1,000,000. Now let’s look at the market place. In a very simplified way, you could say the products we buy are our money. A product’s value, or what it would cost for a retailer to sell it, is calculated in money. This is why we get a profit when we sell. We are not buying the product. We are buying the value that the retailer will provide in exchange for our money. If a retailer puts his products on our store shelves at a price of $1,000, he’s making $1,000,000 per unit. It is just math. We are in the retailer’s shoes. But we are not the retailer. We’re simply an employer of these retailers. So we would never force a retailer to give us a product at a price we thought to be unconscionable, let’s say $400. This would be unconscionable from the retailer’s standpoint, because of the value that they put into their product. They don’t do this for you, they do it for their customers. So when we sell these products to the retailers, we are in essence, paying those retailers for what they have offered us in exchange for the value of our product.

The consumer then can complain if the price that they are paying for the product is not the price that they would pay for it from a retailer that was willing to sell the product at the price the retailer said that it was.